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Greengo Biodegradable organic ECO unbleached Slim 6mm filter tips x 200

In stock
1000 filter tips (5 x 200 filters)
Unbleached natural organic paper
100 % unrefined
100% non GMO
For best filtration and most natural smoke you combine these filters with Greeno FSC certified unbleached papers
Made in EU
Greengo Biodegradable organic ECO unbleached Slim 6mm filter tips x 200 is available to buy in increments of 20
Greengo Biodegradable organic ECO unbleached Slim 6mm filter tips x 200
More Information
Product code 1870-GR
Package quantity 20 bags
Length 240
Height 120
Width 150
EAN code 5903111503116
Material Paper
Brand name: Greengo
Weight (g) 35
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