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RAW Organic Hemp size 1 1/4 Pre Rolled Cones - 32 Pack

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You will receive 32 RAW cones size 1 1/4
Natural, Unbleached, Unrefined, Organic Hemp Pre-Rolled Cones with Tips
TPatented criss-cross watermark burns smooth and prevents runs, & natural hemp gumline is designed to match burn rate of paper
Windmill powered, GMO free, total chlorine free, vegan friendly product
Produces clean tasting smoke that is described as light & pure
RAW Organic Hemp size 1 1/4 Pre Rolled Cones - 32 Pack is available to buy in increments of 10
RAW Organic Hemp size 1 1/4 Pre Rolled Cones - 32 Pack
More Information
Product code 0549-RW
Package quantity 32 cones
Length 18
Height 2
Width 4
EAN code 716165202455
Material Paper
Brand name: RAW
Weight (g) 34
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