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1 box - SMOKING Red Regular rolling paper 50 x 60 = 3000 papers Previous 1 box - SMOKING Red Regular rolling paper 50 x 60 = 3000 papers

Smoking Blue Regular tree free rolling paper - 1 box - 3000 papers

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These papers are made in Spain, Barcelona
Brand : Smoking
100% color, chlorine and tree free paper
Natural vegetable gum
1 box - 50 booklets - 3000 papers
Paper size : Regular size 70 mm
Store on cool, dry place
Smoking Blue Regular tree free rolling paper - 1 box - 3000 papers
More Information
Product code 0185-SM
Length 155
Height 50
Width 75
EAN code 8414775013677
Flavor No
Brand name: Smoking
Weight (g) 264
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