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Vauen, Auenland "The shire", Hugg sand Rustic Previous Vauen, Auenland "The shire", Hugg sand Rustic

Vauen, Auenland "The shire", Hugg smooth

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Filter options: 9 mm. filter, No Filter
Brand: Vauen
Product no: Hugg smooth
Bowl diameter: 44 mm
Chamber diameter: 21 mm
Chamber depth: 40mm
Height: 52mm
Lenght: 335mm
Weight: 76gr
Vauen, Auenland "The shire", Hugg smooth
More Information
Filter Length 27-28mm
Length 400
Width 10
Height 80
Filter diameter 6mm
EAN code Vauen-Auenland-The-shire-Hugg-smooth
Product code 2256-VA
Color Brown
Gift box Included
Material Wood
Brand name: Vauen
Weight (g) 400
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